Red Hat, Inc. (NYSE: RHT), the world’s leading provider of open source solutions, today announced significantly increased participation in the ecosystem for its OpenShift offering for both public and private cloud deployments. Since the launch of OpenShift Commons in February 2015, OpenShift Commons has emerged as one of the industry’s most unique communities, combining interests around containers and cloud application development and deployment with the perspective of end-users, contributors, customers and practitioners.
Red Hat Summit marks 100 days since the launch of OpenShift Commons, which now boasts more than 100 member organizations working together to build the next generation of open source innovation. OpenShift Commons connects a variety of open source technology communities including Docker, Kubernetes, Project Atomic and others that are key components of the latest release of OpenShift.
Since launch, new customers, partners and service providers participating in OpenShift Commons include: 6fusion; Altran; Autonomic Resources; BlackMesh; Couchbase; Fairfield University; Grid Dynamics; Leighton; MariaDB; Mesosphere; New Relic; NGinx; OwnCloud; Puzzle ITC; Redis Labs; Rhodix; Shadow-Soft; Telstra; Ticketfly; TransCirrus; Zabbix; ZeroTurnaround, and many other industry leaders. With participation from customers and partners around the world including FICO, T-Systems, Amadeus and other industry leaders, OpenShift has a global deployment footprint that spans enterprises, .edu and .gov organizations.
Many of these members have participated in Commons Briefings, sharing information on topics ranging from developing and operating PaaS environments to technical matters including metering, monitoring, scaling and storage as part of the ongoing collaborative conversation driving the design and development of OpenShift. Feedback from OpenShift Commons members, along with lessons learned from running multiple and public PaaS environments at scale, gets fed directly into the collaborative development process driving the most innovative open source PaaS available today for use both on-premise and by operators.